Hanging Toilets: Pro Plumbing and Installation Tips

Enhance your bathroom with sleek and modern hanging toilets from Indigo Home and Facility Services. Call (512) 608-4999 for professional installation tips and services.

Hanging toilets are sleek and modern. As a result, installing hanging toilets in homes and company facilities has become popular in recent years. Aside from the fantastic design, wall-mounted toilets have several benefits, including:

  • Easier cleaning: When a toilet is wall-mounted, there is less space for dirt and debris to accumulate at the bottom. With hanging toilets, there are no crevices or joints on a base where bacteria gather. Wall-mounted toilets may be more hygienic. Also, cleaning around and under a hanging toilet is more accessible than a floor-mounted toilet.
  • Saves space: Mounting a toilet on a wall removes the bulky base, which may free up valuable floor space. In addition, wall-mounted toilets can be helpful in smaller bathrooms or areas where you need storage.
  • Customization: Hanging a toilet offers a higher level of customization. When you wall-mount a toilet, you may choose a height and location that suits your needs. For example, wall mounting a toilet can be helpful when someone has mobility issues and would benefit from a toilet that sits higher.

While floating toilets can be highly beneficial, there are a few disadvantages, including:

  • Complicated installation: Installing a hanging toilet requires substantial work. This work may include opening a wall and rerouting plumbing through the wall. Additionally, if you are remodeling a bathroom, you will need to fix the flooring where the floor-mounted toilet was located.
  • Expense: Floating toilets are costly compared to standard floor-mounted toilets. As a result, if you want a wall-mounted toilet, you will likely spend more on the toilet and the installation cost than you would for a standard commode.

Installation Tips for Hanging Toilets

Installing a floating toilet is more complex than installing a traditional floor-mounted toilet. As a result, the installer needs the right tools and knowledge to do the job correctly. Here are some tips for installing your wall-mounted toilet correctly:

  • Proper support: When hanging a toilet on the wall, you must ensure adequate support. The floating toilet can weigh more than a typical floor-mounted one, and the wall also needs to support a person’s weight. So, when installing a floating toilet, you must consider the weight of the people and the toilet itself. To account for the weight of the toilet and people sitting on it, you may need to reinforce the wall, which can include additional studs or support brackets. Failing to provide proper support may cause the toilet to rip from the wall, leading to substantial damage.
  • Location: When hanging a toilet, you have more choice in where to locate it. However, when choosing a site, you must consider various factors, including the drainpipe and water line location. You should also think about ensuring that there is enough space surrounding the toilet for comfortable use. Again, consulting a professional can help you choose the right location for your needs.
  • Correct mounting hardware: When installing a floating toilet, you must use the right equipment. Failing to use the proper mounting hardware can result in substantial issues like the toilet falling from the wall. An essential factor in an excellent wall-mounted toilet installation is using high-quality mounting brackets and carrier frames. The carrier frame is critical in ensuring the toilet is secure and level. Don’t skimp on hardware.
  • Proper position of mounting bolts: Mounting bolts secure the bowl to the carrier frame, ensuring the toilet is level. Bolts are vital to supporting the toilet’s support system. Failing to position the mounting bolts correctly can lead to problems.
  • Proper plumbing connections: Like any toilet, the plumbing needs to be installed and connected correctly. Hanging toilets require the tank to be installed in the wall, which is a more complex plumbing job than a typical toilet requires. When the plumbing job is inadequate, it can lead to leaks, spreading water through your walls and floors.
  • Use a professional plumber: There is a lot of information on the internet about DIYing a floating toilet. You may be tempted to install the hanging toilet yourself, but we strongly recommend that you hire a professional. You must install a floating toilet properly to avoid issues in your bathroom and home. A professional plumber has the skills and knowledge to account for weight and location and use the correct hardware when installing your floating toilet.

Contact Us for an Appointment Today

The Austin plumbing professionals at Indigo Home and Facility Services understand the complexities of installing a floating toilet. If you are considering a wall-mounted toilet for your bathroom, contact us today for an appointment. You can reach our knowledgeable team by calling (512) 608-4999.

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